Serves 4
- Preparation time: 15 min
- Cooking time: 10 min
- 4 frosted glasses
- 1 blender
- 25 cl high-quality Vanilla ice cream
- 10 cl double cream (crème fraiche liquide)
- 2 ice cubes
Vanilla milk
- 25 cl whole milk
- 20 g ground dried Vanilla
Crème anglaise
- 2 egg yolks
- 65 g caster sugar
- 15 cl milk
- 1 Vanilla pod
Preparation Method
- Put the glasses in the freezer
- Make the Vanilla-flavoured milk. Bring the milk to the boil. Remove from heat, add the ground Vanilla and allow to infuse (keep a little ground Vanilla for the garnish)
- Make the creme anglaise. Split the Vanilla pod down the middle and scoop out the seeds. Add the seeds to the hot Vanilla milk. Pour in the milk in a thin stream over the egg yolks, whisking all the time. Transfer the mixture back to the saucepan, stirring constantly with a spatula. Remove from heat just before it starts to boil (the custard should coat the spatula). Allow to cool
- Mix the crème fraiche Swith the crème anglaise in the blender. Spoon in the Vanilla ice cream. Blend for another 2 mm
- Just before serving. Crush the ice cubes and distribute among the four glasses. Pour in the milkshake. Garnish with the remaining ground Vanilla

Serves 4
- Preparation time: 10 min
- Cooking time: 30 min
- 4 fragrant Williams pears
- 150 g caster sugar
- 50 el red wine
- 2 Vanilla pods
- 2 untreated lemons
- 2 untreated oranges
- 2 peppercorns
- 1 clove
- 1/2 wineglass of crème de cassis (blackcurrant liqueur)
- 2 cinnamon sticks (cut in two)
- A few leaves of mint
Preparation Method
- Peel the Williams pears with a vegetable peeler. Cut them into two lengthways and remove the seeds. Peel the zest of the citrus fruit (without any of the white pith). Slice the oranges into roundels. Spilit the Vanilla pods in two lengthways. boil the red wine with the caster sugar, zests, crème de cassis, spices and Vanilla pods. Drop the pears in the wine and cook for 30 min. Allow to cool
- Just before serving. Place the pears on the plates. Coat with the spicy wine sauce. Sprinkle with mint leaves. Decorate each plate with a few slices of orange and half a cinnamon stick

Serves 4
- Preparation time: 45 min (the day before for the ice cream)
- Cooking time: 12 min for the souffles
- 4 small soufflé ramekins
- 4 glasses, 1 ice cream scoop
- 1 whisk
- Hot soufflé
- 20 cl Vanilla crème pâtissière
- 10 egg whites
- 100 g caster sugar
- 8 tbsp Vanilla syrup
- Butter for the ramekins
Vanilla-passion cocktail
- 10 cl passion fruit pulp (frozen)
- 50 cl high-quality passion fruit ice cream
- 1 tbsp Vanilla syrup
- Zest of 1 untreated lime
Vanilla Ice cream
- 50 cl whole milk
- 20 cl double cream (crème fraîche liquide)
- 30 g milk powder
- 2 Vanilla pods
- 4 egg yolks
Vanilla Ice cream
- 40 g caster sugar
- 5 Vanilla pods
Preparation Method
- The Day Before
- Make the Vanilla ice cream. Split the Vanilla pod down the middle and spoon out the seeds. Bring the milk to the boil together with the cream. Remove from heat,, add the seeds, cover and leave to infuse. In a bowl, beat the egg yolks with the sugar until the mixture is pale and fluffy. Stir in the milk powder t hen the hot Vanilla-flavored milk. Transfer to a saucepan and return to low heat. Remove from heat just before it reaches boiling point (the cream should coat the spatula). Allow to cool and strain through a chinos. Pour to the ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer's instructions
- On The Day
- Prepare the cocktail drink Combine the Vanilla syrup with the passion fruit Pulp and the passion fruit ice cream. Add the lime zest. Boil the mixture for 1 min. Remove from heat
- Prepare the Vanilla syrup
- Split the Vanilla pods down the middle and spoon out the seeds. In a small saucepan, boil 10 cl water with the caster sugar. Stir in the Vanilla seeds. Cook over low heat until the mixture is thick and syrupy
- Make the Vanilla souffle Butter the souffles ramekins and sprinkle with sugar. Beat the egg whites until stiff as you gradually pour in the sugar. Mix the cold crème patissiere with the Vanilla syrup using a spatula until well blended. Fold in the egg whites. Turn the mix into the ramekins and bake for 12 min. (Don't open the oven or the souffles will collapse)
- Just before serving
- Put a hot soufflé on each plate. Add a scoop of Vanilla ice cream on the side of the plate. Pour the passion fruit drink into the glasses and drizzle with Vanilla syrup

Serves 4
- Preparation time: 15 min
- Cooking time: 1 min
- 4 cocktail glasses
- 1 blender
- 1 whisk
- 400 g fragrant raspberries (+ 4 for the garnish)
- 40 g crushed pistachios
- 20 speculoos biscuits (Belgian or northern French brown sugar spice biscuits)
- 20 g icing sugar
- 4 Vanilla pods
- 25 cl chilled double cream
- 1 tbsp soft brown sugar
Preparation Method
- Grind the speculoos down to a fine powder in the blender. Split the Vanilla pods lengthwise down the middle and scoop out the seeds (keep the empty pods for the garnish)
- In a bowl, whip the chilled cream with the icing sugar until firm. Fold in the ground speculoos and Vanilla seeds. Refrigerate until needed
- Put the raspberries into a very hot non-stick pan. Sprinkle with the cassonade sugar. After 1 min, shake the pan so the raspberries release their juice. Remove from heat, add the crushed pistachios. Leave the mixture to cool
- Just before serving
- Share out the raspberries with their juice and the pistachios between the cocktail glasses. Top with a dollop of Vanilla and speculoos whipped cream. Garnish each glass with an empty Vanilla pod and a fresh raspberry
- A stick of candied rhubarb is an optional further decorative touch

Serves 4
- Preparation time: 15 min
- Cooking time: 8 min for the pineapple
- Refrigeration time: 2 hours
- 12 wooden picks
- 1 ripe pineapple
- 300 g dark chocolate (65% cocoa)
- 2 Vanilla pods
- 100 g caster sugar 10 cl white rum
- 10 cl milk
Preparation Method
- Peel the pineapple Cut out 12 cylinders about 5cm high and 1 cm in diameter. Split the Vanilla pods down the middle and scoop out the seeds
- Make the Vanilla syrup. Boil 1 liter water with the caster sugar, rum and Vanilla seed. When the syrup thickens, poach the pineapple cylinders over low heat for 8 min. Drain and leave to cool. Refrigerate for 2 hours
- Make the chocolate sauce. Scald the milk. Remove from heat, add the chocolate broken into chunks and whisk vigorously. Pour the hot chocolate into little bowls
- Just before serving. Take the pineapple cylinders out of the refrigerator. Stick a cylinder on each pick. Arrange attractively on the plates

Serves 4
- Preparation time: 35 min(the day before for the strawberry sorbet)
- Cooking time: 1 hour for the strawberry jam
- Freezing time: 30 min
- 1 jam kettle
- 1 jam thermometer
- 4 pretty dessert glasses
- 1 cutter (a little smaller than the diameter of the glasses)
- 1 ice cream scoop
- 1 ice cream maker
- 1 rubber spatula
- 500 g fragrant strawberries
- 400 g caster sugar
- 250 g Tagada® strawberries (sweets)
- 250 g mascarpone
- 150 g white chocolate
- 4 leaves of gelatin
- 3 Vanilla pods
- Juice of 1 lemon
- A pinch of ground tonka bean
- 25 cl strawberry pulp
- 13 cl whole milk
Preparation Method
- The Day Before
- Make the strawberry sorbet. Heat 150g caster sugar with 10 cl water over low heat. When the syrup starts to thicken, remove from heat and allow to cool. Add the strawberry pulp, half the lemon juice and mix. Transfer to the ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer's instructions
- On the day
- Make the strawberry jam. Soften the leaves of gelatin in a bowl of cold water. Rinse and hull the jam kettle with 150 g caster sugar, the rest of the lemon juice and ground tonka bean until it reaches a jammy consistency ( about one hour ). When the jam has cooled down, mis in the gelatin ( excess water squeezed out ). Refrigerate
- Make the Vanilla cream. Split the Vanilla pods down the middle and scoop out the seeds. Boil the mascarpone with the whole milk. Stir in the Vanilla seeds and the rest of the caster sugar.mix until well blended. Allow the thick, creamy mixture to cool. Transfer to a siphon (with 2 cartridges). Refrigerate
- Make the Tagada strawberry granita. Melt the Tagada straw¬berries in 25 cl boiling water. Using a rubber spatula, spread out the mixture on a tray. Put in the freezer for 30 min then beat the mixture several times until you get tiny crystals. Return to the freezer
- Melt the white chocolate over a bain-marie Using the spatula, spread out the chocolate on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper. Refrigerate until it hardens slightly. Cut out circles 5 cm in diameter with the cutter
- Just before serving
- Line each dessert cup with a small portion of strawberry jam. Cover with granita and a white chocolate disc. Coat with Vanilla cream and top it all off with a scoop of strawberry sorbet
- Tip
- A sprinkling of multi-colored crystal sugar will add an original touch to this delicious summer dessert

Serves 4
- Preparation time: 45 min (the day before for the sorbet)
- Cooking time: 20 min for the sable biscuits
- 4 small glasses
- 4 ring mould 0 6 cm(or 4 cups)
- 1 cutter
- 1 ice cream maker
- 1 chinois strainer
- 1 blender
- 1 baking tray
- Greaseproof paper
Vanilla mousse
- 25 cl milk
- 3 egg yolks
- 30 g caster sugar
- 2 Vanilla pods
- 3 leaves of gelatin
Sable biscuits
- 125 g salted butter
- 8 g baking powder
- 100 g caster sugar
- 140 g flour
- 4 egg yolks
- 2 tbsp raspberry puree
Raspberry pepper sorbet
- 25 cl raspberry puree
- 1 red pepper
- 110 g caster sugar
- juice of 1 lemon
Tuile biscuits
- 3 egg whites
- 50 g icing sugar
- 25 g potato starch
- 25 g butter
- 20 raspberries & 4 for the garnish
Preparation Method
- The Day Before
- Make the raspberry and red pepper sorbet. Wash the red pepper. Cook it 15 min in a steam basket. Peel it and cut into chunks. Boil 10 cl water with the caster sugar. Pour in the lemon juice. Add the raspberry puree and the pepper chunks. Puree them in the blender. Strain through a chinois and allow to cool. Transfer to the ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer's instructions
- On the day
- Make the Vanilla mousse. Soften the gelatin in a bowl of cold water. Bring the milk to the boil. Add the Vanilla pods cut in two lengthways. In a bowl, beat the egg yolks with the sugar. When the mousse is pale, pour in the Vanilla milk in a thin stream. Return the mixture to low heat. Stir until it coats the spatula (before it starts to boil) Allow to cool. Strain through a chinois and transfer to a siphon (2 gas cartridges). Refrigerate
- Make the sables Bretons (a type of shortbread biscuit). Preheat oven to 165 °C (th. 5-6). In a bowl, cream the butter. Add the caster sugar, egg yolks, flour, baking powder and raspberry puree. Mix thoroughly until well blended. Make balls of dough (around 30 g each) and shape into little sable biscuits with the cutter. Place on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper allowing enough room for spreading. Put in the oven and bake for 20 min. Place on a rack to cool
- Make the tuile biscuits
- Turn the oven up to 170 °C (th. 5-6). Cream the butter. Beat the egg whites until stiff. In a bowl, combine the creamed butter with the icing sugar and potato starch. Gently fold in the egg whites with a spatula. On a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper, spread the mixture into strips measuring 4 x 6 cm with a spatula. Put in the oven and bake for 5 min. Take them out of the oven. Carefully roll the warm tuiles inside a ring or cup, overlapping the two tips. Allow to cool
- Just before serving
- Place a sable Breton on each plate. Place a tuile on top, garnish with 6 pretty raspberries, then cover with Vanilla mousse. Add a scoop of sorbet and coat with a another layer of Vanilla mousse. Garnish with 1 raspberry

Serves 4
- Preparation time: 10 min
- Cooking time: 30 min
- I heavy-bottomed saucepan
- I stainless steel tray
- 4 earthenware bowls
- 150 g short-grain rice
- 110 g caster sugar
- I liter milk
- 2 Vanilla pods
Preparation Method
- Split the Vanilla pods down the middle and scoop out the seeds
- In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine the milk with the sugar. Pour in the rice in a steady stream; add the Vanilla seeds and empty Vanilla pods. Bring to the boil stirring from time to time then simmer over low heat for 30 min (keep a close eye on it)
- Put the rice on a stainless steel tray. Allow to cool to room temperature
- Just before serving
- Lift out the Vanilla pods. Stir the rice gently. Distribute evenly among the 4 earthenware bowls
- Tip
- The rice pudding can be served with passion fruit and pineapple marmalade, milk caramel or a few red berries

Serves 4
- Preparation time: 15 min
- Cooking time: 4 min
- 1 small celeriac with its leaves
- 1 mango, not over ripe
- 2 tbsp white vinegar
- 2 tbsp caster sugar
- 1/2 Vanilla pod
- 1/2 small red chilli
- Pepper, Fresh
- The juice of 1/2 lime
- 1 tbsp nuoc mam (Asian fish sauce)
- Freshly ground salt and pepper
- 4 small chilli peppers
Preparation Method
- With Vanilla syrup Bring 1 litre of water to the boil Refrigerate.boil with the sugar, white vinegar, 1/2 Vanilla pod split in two lengthways and the finally chopped chilli. Remove from heat is soon as it begins to boil. Allow to cool. Lift out the Vanilla pod. Cut into tiny pieces the size of peppercorns. Put them back in the syrup
- Peel the mango. Cut into thin strips as long as possible. Drizzle with the lime juice. Peel the celeriac. Keep the leaves for the garnish. Grate the celeriac and immediately coat with lime juice. Combine the mango with the celeriac. Add salt and pepper. Season the Vanilla syrup to taste and add the nuoc mam. Stir gently. Decorate the salad with celeriac leaves and the chili peppers
- Tip
- You can enrich the salad with langoustine tails, prawns or crabmeat

Serves 4
- Preparation time: 1 hour
- Freezing time: 2 hours
- Cooking time: 7 min for the almond macaroons
- 4 droppers
- 1 baking tray 30 x 30 (1 cm deep)
- Greaseproof paper
- 1 cutter 10 x 5 cm
- 1 blender
- 1 whisk cutter 10 x 5 cm
- 200 g caster sugar
- 150 g icing sugar
- 150 g ground almonds
- 50 g fragrant strawberries
- 4 egg yolks + 3 whites
- 2 Vanilla pods + 2 for the garnish
- 2 leaves of gelatin
- 50 cl high-quality Vanilla ice cream
- 20 cl whole milk
- 20 cl chilled double cream
- 1 bunch of mint
- 4 small chilli peppers
Preparation Method
- Make the Vanilla custard
- Split the Vanilla pods down the middle and scoop out the seeds. Keep the empty beans. Soften the leaves of gelatin in a bowl of cold water. Bring the milk to the boil. Remove from heat, toss in the Vanilla seeds, cover and allow to infuse. In a bowl, whisk 50 g caster sugar with the yolks until pale and fluffy. Pour in the Vanilla milk in a thin stream whisking constantly. Pour the mixture hack into the saucepan and return to low heat, stirring until the mix coats the spatula. Before it boils, remove from heat and allow to cool. Stir in the softened leaves of gelatin. In a chilled bowl, whip the cream until stiff. Gently fold the egg mixture into the whipped cream. Spread the mixture on a baking tray. Put it in the freezer for 2 hours
- Make the macaroons
- Preheat oven to 120 °C (th. 4). in a bowl, sift the icing sugar with the ground almonds. Set aside 160 g of the mixture. Add 1 egg white whisking vigorously until mousse-like. Heat the rest of the caster sugar with 35 cl water until a clear, thick syrup is formed. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Beat the 2 remaining whites to firm peaks. Carefully fold in the rest of the sugar-almond mix. Pour in the warm syrup in a thin stream whisking continuously. Add the egg white and almond mixture and continue whisking. On the baking tray lined with greaseproof paper, make almond mousse rectangles with the cutter, leaving enough room for spreading. Put in the oven and bake for 7 min. Allow to dry on a rack at room temperature before removing from the tray
- Assemble the millefeuilles
- Take the Vanilla custard out of the freezer. Use the cutter to cut out 8 rectangles. Place a frozen rectangle on each macaroon. Repeat the operation twice more ending with a macaroon. Make the other millefeuilles the same way. Make the strawberry coulis. Wash and hull the strawberries (keep 12 for the garnish). Purée with 1 tbsp water and the empty Vanilla pods. Transfer the coulis into the droppers. Refrigerate
- Just before serving
- Take the Vanilla ice cream out of the freezer. Place a millefeuille on each plate. Top with a scoop of ice cream. Garnish with 1/2 Vanilla pod, a small bunch of mint and the remaining strawberries. Serve together with the droppers of coulis
- Tip
- You can serve the millefeuilles with red berry jelly in a little pot to one side